Controls relative positions of camera and target.

Camera/Target Editor
- Camera: The x,y and absolute height of the camera. GenesisII does
not do any checking to ensure that you are above ground level, but if the
camera is positioned below the estimated ground level then the height value
will be displayed in red (or blue if the camera is positioned outside the
map). X and Y values can also be controlled from the Position Map.
- Target: The x,y and absolute height of the target. Can also be controlled
from the Position Map.
- View Perspective Angle: Also know as the Angle of View. Similar
to changing the lens on a camera. Can also be controlled from the Position
- View Direction: Direction of view as a bearing.
- View Azimuth: Vertical angle between Camera and Target. If both are
at the same height this value is zero. Positive value indicate that the camera
is above the target.
- View Distance: Distance between the Camera and Target.
Position Map
A schematic drawing of the map with the camera / target control drawn over
the top. Click and drag the square-shaped handles with the mouse to position
the camera and target, and to set the angle of view.